This prompt asks students write an imaginative piece that brings the authors or narrators of two different texts into a conversation.
- Review the steps in the handout "Plan for Write to the Source."
- Review the sample task and then fill in the task template fields below the sample task.
- Review the handout "Narrative Writing Rubric." Adapt as necessary.
Sample task
Essential Question: What can an individual do to create a safe, welcoming place for all?
Text Title(s): Read “Shoulders” and “Soccer Teams and Coaches.”
Suggested Writing Product: Imagine that the texts’ authors are having a conversation. Think about the messages and ideas they would and would not want to communicate to each other. Based on these ideas, write a dialogue that brings the authors into conversation.
Additional Task Demand: Make the conversation as realistic and meaningful as you can by including at least one quote from each text to show that you understand the author’s point of view.