These Learning for Justice and Southern Poverty Law Center publications include reports, guides, curricula and other content to support the SPLC’s mission: to be a catalyst for racial justice in the South and beyond, working in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements and advance the human rights of all people.
Not Just a Joke: Understanding & Preventing Gender- & Sexuality-Based Bigotry
This report helps readers identify warning signs that a young person has become susceptible to hateful, male-supremacist ideologies, best practices for responding, and ways to build resilience against manipulation.
Only Young Once: Dismantling Georgia’s Punitive Youth Incarceration System
This report investigates policies and practices producing harm and racial disparities in Georgia’s youth legal system, and the political culture that undergirds it.
In Plain Sight: Special Education Outcomes and Challenges in Mississippi
[2024] This report provides an in-depth assessment of the challenges and inequities in the special education system and how they adversely affect the educational rights of disabled children in Mississippi.
Only Young Once: The Systemic Harm of Florida’s School-to-Prison Pipeline and Youth Legal System
[2024] This report explores the scope and impact of youth incarceration and ways Florida can reform and disrupt these systems.
Only Young Once: Alabama’s Overreliance on School Pushout and For-Profit Youth Incarceration
[2024] This report details how a narrative of youth crime contributes to overly punitive school discipline, racial disparities, and an expensive youth legal system that is not designed for rehabilitation.
Only Young Once: The Case for Mississippi’s Investment in Youth Decarceration
[2023] This report illustrates how Mississippi’s approach to youth justice is built on debunked notions of Black criminality, and offers a more humane alternative.
Only Young Once: The Urgent Need for Reform of Louisiana’s Youth Justice System
[2023] This report explores how perceptions of Black youth in Louisiana’s school and juvenile justice systems contribute to an overreliance on punitive measures, leading to stark racial disparities.
Keep Her Safe: Centering Black Girls in School Safety
[2024] This case study and report by NWLC and SPLC demonstrates how critical insights can come from centering Black girls in the school safety conversation.
Teaching the Civil Rights Movement
[2023] Teaching the Civil Rights Movement begins in 1877 with Reconstruction and continues the narrative of the movement for equality and civil rights to the present.
Critical Practices for Social Justice Education
[2023] Critical Practices is a resource to support K-12 educators in growing their understanding of social justice principles and integrating them into their practice.
Advocating for Teaching Honest History: What Educators Can Do
[2023] This guide offers resources and tools for teaching honest history in the classroom and strategies for advocating for honest history education.
A Quick Reference Guide to Teaching Hard History
[2022] LFJ's framework for teaching about American slavery can be used to supplement current curriculum or to guide the creation of new curriculum that more honestly and courageously tells the story of American slavery.
Social Justice Standards
The Social Justice Standards—organized into the domains Identity, Diversity, Justice and Action—provide a road map for anti-bias education at every grade level.
Learning the Landscape of Digital Literacy
The internet and digital technology have not only changed our day-to-day lives—they have changed the boundaries of education. Most educators embrace the opportunities (and responsibilities) presented by new media and...
Best Practices for Serving LGBTQ Students
With this guide, we hope to help teachers and school leaders make curriculum and policy decisions that include LGBTQ students and prepare all students to thrive in a diverse democracy.
Speak Up at School
This guide offers advice to adults about how to respond to biased remarks and the use of stereotypes—and how to teach students to speak up as well.
Let's Talk!
This resource is for educators working to build their own competency facilitating classroom conversations about critical topics like identity, discrimination and inequality.
Responding to Hate and Bias at School
This guide offers suggestions for preventing and navigating a bias- or hate-related crisis. It is designed primarily for school administrators, but teachers, staff, counselors and students also may find guidance here.
Reading for Social Justice
Reading groups that bring students, educators and families together benefit everyone. This guide offers step-by-step instructions for planning reading groups that include and empower the entire community.
Serving ELL Students and Families
This guide can help staff move the entire school toward a comprehensive and culturally responsive approach to serving English Language Learners and their families.
Reading Diversity
Including diverse voices is a priority in K–12 classrooms. Learning for Justice offers a unique model to make it easier: Reading Diversity.
20 Face to Face Advisories
Learning for Justice is proud to partner with The Origins Program to present 20 advisory activities selected from Face to Face Advisories: Bridging Cultural Gaps in Grades 5-9.
Speak Up!
A collection of real-life stories, gathered by the Southern Poverty Law Center, on how people across the United States spoke up against everyday bigotry.
Explore the History of ‘Loving’
Learning for Justice produced this interdisciplinary teacher’s guide for The Loving Story, a documentary film about a couple’s fight to end the ban on interracial marriage.
Teaching 'The New Jim Crow'
A teacher’s guide for The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, a groundbreaking book by Michelle Alexander.
Civil Rights Activity Book
The Civil Rights Activity Book uses puzzles, songs and photos to teach children about martyrs and events of the civil rights movement. Provided here courtesy of the Civil Rights Memorial Center.
Hate at School Report
We surveyed thousands of educators and the picture that emerges is the opposite of what schools should be. Our report details the scope of the problem and what you can do to help.
Teaching Tolerance in Higher Education
This study presents the findings of 13 case studies and interviews with university faculty demonstrating how TT resources can be incorporated into existing coursework across the teacher education curriculum.
Teaching Hard History: American Slavery
This report summarizes research conducted by the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2017 on the state of teaching about American slavery in K-12 schools.