National Standards
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Standards Alignment Made Easy

At Learning for Justice, we recognize the importance of both rigor and relevance—and we also recognize that content standards are an important tool for many educators. That’s why we’ve referenced two widely used frameworks in our classroom resources: the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Social Studies State Standards.

You’ll find the CCSS embedded in select LFJ lessons as well as in all the teaching strategies and Write to the Source student tasks. Moreover, the texts in the student texts library were selected to meet the complexity requirements of the CCSS. Student texts are also tagged and searchable by C3 discipline: civics, economics, geography and history.

Write to the Source

Write to the Source performance tasks and rubrics ask students to rely on textual evidence when responding to writing prompts about identity, diversity, justice and action.

Teaching Strategies

Build literacy and social emotional skills while exploring meaningful texts. Select and combine vocabulary, reading, and speaking and listening activities that support your instructional goals.