
Toolkit for "Teaching Hard History"

"Can Words Lead to War?" is an Inquiry Design Model (IDM), one of six sample IDMs that accompany the Teaching Hard History project. This inquiry provides students with an opportunity to explore how words affect public opinion through an examination of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel 'Uncle Tom’s Cabin.'

"Can Words Lead to War?" is an Inquiry Design Model (IDM), one of six sample IDMs that accompany the Teaching Hard History project. IDMs reflect a distinctive approach to creating instructional materials that follow the the key elements of inquiry-based teaching recommended by the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for State Social Studies Standards (National Council for the Social Studies).

This inquiry provides students with an opportunity to explore how words affect public opinion through an examination of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin.



The procedure for "Can Words Lead to War?" can be found in this document.

Visit Teaching Hard History: American Slavery to browse additional sample IDMs.