Teaching Hard History: American Slavery
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Most students leave high school without an adequate understanding of the role slavery played in the development of the United States—or how its legacies still influence us today. In an effort to remedy this, we developed a comprehensive guide for teaching and learning this critical topic at all grade levels.

Grades K-5

Our youngest students deserve a truthful, age-appropriate account of our past. These resources for elementary educators include a first-of-its-kind framework, along with student texts and teaching tools and professional development for anyone committed to teaching this hard history.

Grades 6-12

Teaching Hard History resources for middle and high school educators include our popular 6–12 framework, as well as student-facing videos and primary source texts. Educators will also find teaching tools and professional development resources. 

Professional Development

Our professional development resources can help educators who are learning more about American slavery so they can teach their students. These resources include information and techniques from scholars and educators available through videos, podcasts, webinars and articles.

About the Project

Teaching Hard History: American Slavery is the product of a multi-year collaboration among Learning for Justice, educators and scholars. Learn more about the Teaching Hard History Advisory Board, the institutions and individuals who support this project and where you can find even more sources for teaching your students about American slavery.