- Homophobia forces us to act "macho" if we are a man or "feminine" if we are a woman. This limits our individuality and self-expression.
- Homophobia puts pressure on straight people to act aggressively and angrily towards LGBTQ people.
- Homophobia makes it hard to be close friends with someone of the same sex.
- Homophobia often strains family and community relationships.
- Homophobia causes youth to become sexually active before they are ready in order to prove they are "normal." This can lead to an increase in unwanted pregnancies and STDs.
- Homophobia prevents vital information on sex and sexuality to be taught in schools. Without this information, youth are putting themselves at a greater risk for HIV and other STDs.
- Homophobia can be used to hurt a straight person if they "appear to be gay."
- Homophobia makes it hard for straight people and LGBTQ people to be friends.
- Homophobia along with racism, sexism, classism, etc. makes it hard to put an end to AIDS.
- Homophobia makes it hard to appreciate true diversity and the unique traits that are not mainstream or "normal."
Adapted from Homophobia: How We All Pay the Price, edited by Warren J. Blumenfeld, Boston: Beacon Press: 1992.