Angela P. Dodson is the chief executive officer and founder of Editorsoncall LLC.,, which offers free-lance editorial services and consulting. Dodson has most recently been an online editor and book reviewer for DIVERSE: Issues In Higher Education, and She has also edited special magazine supplements for DIVERSE and the Chronicle of Higher Education. She is the former executive editor of Black Issues Book Review. Angela is a former senior editor and former Style editor for the New York Times. Dodson has edited and ghost-written books for major publishers and numerous self-published authors of fiction and nonfiction. She has also done writing and editing for various newspapers and magazines, including Essence and Heart & Soul. She has been a consultant for the Maynard Institute for Journalism Educationand the Hampton University School of Communications.She has also been an adjunct instructor in media studies at Mercer County Community College and is the host of an award-winning, syndicated weekly radio program, “Black Catholics, Yes!” about black Roman Catholics for the Diocese of Trenton, NJ., on 1300 WIMG and other stations. She is a journalism graduate of Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia. She has a master’s degree in journalism and public affairs from the American University in Washington, D.C.