Dr. Ruth

Dr. Ruth A. Wilson works as an educational consultant and curriculum writer. She has a doctorate in early childhood and elementary education and a master’s degree in special education. Dr. Wilson taught at the university level for over 14 years, including ten years at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. Professionally, her primary areas of interest are early childhood environmental education and peace education. Much of her work focuses on the holistic development of children, with an emphasis on connections between body, mind, and spirit.

Articles by Dr. Ruth

Reflecting on the "American Dream"

What do we mean by the “American Dream”? This educator has some ideas for meaningfully engaging students with this topic.

Perspective Taking

When this teacher assigned her students to debate a topic, they learned more than effective argumentation—they learned how to consider the perspectives of others.

Caring for Plants and Animals Fosters Empathy

Empathy and caring need to be nurtured through direct involvement in meaningful activities. Involving children in the care of plants and animals is an excellent way to do this.

Working for the Common Good

One way to encourage young people to be concerned about the common good is to teach them about “the commons.”

Thinking Like a Mountain

A Council of All Beings is a great way to have your students develop caring attitudes toward the natural world and each other.
A map of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi with overlaid images of key state symbols and of people in community

Learning for Justice in the South

When it comes to investing in racial justice in education, we believe that the South is the best place to start. If you’re an educator, parent or caregiver, or community member living and working in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana or Mississippi, we’ll mail you a free introductory package of our resources when you join our community and subscribe to our magazine.

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