Dr. Howard Stevenson is the Constance Clayton Professor of Urban Education, Professor of Africana Studies, and former Chair of the Applied Psychology and Human Development Division in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a nationally recognized researcher in independent and public K-12 schools and teaches how children can develop healthy racial identities through racial stress management. The PLAAY (Preventing Long-term Anger and Aggression in Youth) Project uses basketball and racial socialization to help youth and parents cope with stress from violence and social rejection.
His most recent book, Promoting Racial Literacy in Schools, shifts a focus on race relations away from “colorblind-ness” toward racial literacy: the ability to read, recast, and resolve racially stressful encounters when they happen. The book is currently ranked 13 in the top education books as listed by the Library Journal. This work is based on racial interactions research and 30 years of intervention experience in schools to prepare children, parents and teachers to identify unfairness and become academically assertive.