James Loewen taught race relations for 20 years at the University of Vermont; prior to that he taught at Tougaloo College in Mississippi. James W. Loewen is the author of several books, including Lies Across America: What Our Historic Sites Get Wrong, Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension of American Racism and The Confederate and Neo-Confederate Reader: The “Great Truth” about the “Lost Cause.”
James W.
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Articles by James W.
What Learning About Slavery Can Teach Us About Ourselves
We are a product of our history—even the history we don’t like to think about.
Getting the Civil War Right
Did America’s most divisive war start over slavery or states’ rights? Too many educators get it wrong.
Does My Town Have a Racist Past?
How students can convert the shameful history of sundown towns in the United States into a rich opportunity for setting the record straight.