Gorski is an associate professor of Integrative Studies and a Research Fellow in the Center for the Advancement of Well-Being at George Mason University, where he teaches courses such as Social Justice Education; Poverty, Wealth and Inequality in the US; Social Justice Consciousness and Personal Transformation; School through Students’ Eyes; and Animal Rights and Human Education. His recent books include Reaching and Teaching Students in Poverty; The Big Lies of School Reform (with Kristien Zenkov); Case Studies on Diversity and Social Justice Education (with Seema Pothini), and The Poverty and Education Reader: A Call for Equity in Many Voices (with Julie Landsman).
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Articles by Paul
Online Exclusive! "Becoming Joey"
How can a student begin the walk to school with one name and arrive with another? Hear the story of "Becoming Joey," a poem by Paul Gorski, read by Gabriela Bovea.
Excerpt: Case Studies on Diversity & Social Justice Education
Try these seven steps when approaching your toughest teaching cases.
Imagining Equity Literacy
Equity literacy moves us beyond cultural competency, allowing educators to create and sustain equitable and just learning environments for all families and students.
The Question of Class
Paul Gorski calls on fellow educators examine the classist assumptions infiltrating classrooms and schools.