Voting and Voices
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Launched in 2018, TT’s Voting and Voices project features some of our favorite resources for empowering elementary and middle school students to become advocates for voting in their communities.

For our 2020 election resources for high school students, please visit the Future Voters Project.

Classroom Resources

This collection includes some of our favorite resources for civics education, with a focus on elections and voting. Includes posters, videos, lessons, texts and student tasks for K–5 and 6–8 classrooms.

Professional Development Resources

Help students recognize the value of a diverse democracy in your classroom, school and community. These PD resources include best practices and strategies for classroom culture, instruction, and family and community engagement.

Future Voters Project

Are you planning to support students as they register or preregister to vote? Check out our 2020 resources and recommendations for school-based voter registration programs here.

Pledge For Our Future

We’re urging all teachers to share this nonpartisan pledge with students of all ages—and to encourage them and their families to participate in the political process.