
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


Susan McQuaid

Susan has been teaching in public school settings for over 30 years. For the past 15 years, she has been a teacher/librarian for the Amherst Public Schools in Massachusetts. She has also taught preschool, kindergarten and first grade in schools in Minnesota and Massachusetts.

Breeanna Elliott

Breeanna is a Massachusetts history teacher who currently works as the outreach specialist at Boston University’s African Studies Center. She is an educator with a global focus whose work meets at the crossroads of equity in educational opportunities and African studies. Elliott has taught internationally and domestically, and she advocates for rigorous, interdisciplinary education approaches as a means to encourage intercommunal understanding, empathy and global citizenship. She has spent much of her adult life traveling in East Africa and working in African studies.

Laura Brown

Laura is a 22-year veteran public school teacher in a large suburban school north of Syracuse, New York. Brown runs a Medium publication called " Teaching in Trump's America" that features her own work and other educators' posts.