
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results

the moment

Recommit to Critical Conversations

As we return to school, we can commit to checking bias in ourselves and others and speaking up every time students or colleagues make biased comments. These resources can help prepare and facilitate those critical conversations.

the moment

Practice Self-care Now and Next Year

A pandemic rages on, police violence continues to affect Black communities, and this school year is like no other. We know anxiety and burnout have been commonplace this year, and we hope you can find time to pause to practice self-care. These resources can help you reflect, rest and refresh so that you can be present for yourself and your students in 2021.


Tina Vasquez

Tina Vasquez is a journalist with more than 10 years of experience reporting on immigration, reproductive injustice, gender, labor and culture. She is currently a senior reporter at Prism, where she covers gender justice and workers’ rights. Previously, she was a senior reporter covering immigration at Rewire.News, the leading online publication devoted to evidence-based reporting on reproductive and sexual health, rights and justice. Vasquez’s work has appeared in the New York Review of Books, NPR, The Nation, Playboy and a variety of other publications. She currently serves on the board of

Marian Dingle

Marian Dingle is a veteran classroom elementary educator of 21 years. Always passionate about mathematics, her early career involved advocating for marginalized students and families. More recently, she has moved toward public advocacy, activism and scholarship, fascinated by the intersection of mathematics and social justice. She has been a member of Building Leadership Teams, led grade level teams, serves on her district mathematics committee, the state mathematics advisory committee, and is on the executive committee of the Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Mentoring new teachers

Dani Bostick

Dani Bostick is an educator, advocate, and former mental health counselor. Her work on trauma, child sexual abuse and white supremacy has appeared in the Washington Post, The Week, Marie Claire, Parenting, and HuffPost, among others.

Natalie Odom Pough

Natalie Odom Pough, Ed.D., is a visiting clinical assistant professor of education at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Her work and research interests include new educator attrition and curriculum design in the age of social media and social justice activism in schools. Natalie was named a 2018 ASCD Emerging Leader and is a member of the Teaching Tolerance Advisory Board.
the moment

Black Lives Matter Today and Always

Over the weekend, white supremacists burned Black Lives Matter flags that belonged to two Black churches in Washington, D.C. during a pro-Trump rally. Earlier this month, Casey Goodson Jr., a Black man, was shot and killed by police while walking into his Columbus, Ohio, home. It’s essential that teachers counter the insidiousness of anti-Blackness and white supremacy with students and affirm that Black lives do matter. These resources can help.