
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results

student task
Do Something

Community Puzzle Mural

Students create a community puzzle mural, a large-scale artistic depiction, usually displayed in a community space. Puzzle pieces covered in student’s artwork relating to diversity, anti-bias or social justice themes from the central text comprise the mural.
Grade Level
July 13, 2014
student task
Do Something

Fairness Fair

Students work in groups to role-play or tell stories about real life situations related to fairness, community, diversity or social justice themes. Students then perform their skits or stories for others as part of a class-wide “fairness fair.”
Grade Level
July 13, 2014
student task
Do Something

Buddy Share

Students choose a mode of expression—e.g., writing, art or storytelling—to share theme-related ideas and feelings with a “buddy” from outside the classroom.
Grade Level
July 13, 2014
student task
Do Something

Community Bulletin Board

Students showcase artwork and nonfiction writing that addresses issues they found in the text. The result is a visual, collaborative and creative representation of student learning and ideas. An alternative to the bulletin board is a community newsletter.
Grade Level
July 13, 2014
teaching strategy
Exploring Texts Through Read Alouds

Examining Texts

Children will learn about the key components of paper and online text structure. Students will also gain the terminology necessary to talk about the structure and parts of a text.
Grade Level
RI.K-2.5, RI.K-2.6, RL.K-2.5, RL.K-2.6
July 13, 2014
teaching strategy
Exploring Texts Through Read Alouds

Anchor Charts

An anchor chart is an artifact of classroom learning. Like an anchor, it holds students' and teachers' thoughts, ideas and processes in place. Anchor charts can be displayed as reminders of prior learning and built upon over multiple lessons.
Grade Level
R.K-2.4, L.K-2.4, L.K-2.5
July 13, 2014
teaching strategy
Exploring Texts Through Read Alouds

Understanding Text Types

This strategy includes text type charts and matching exercises to help students differentiate between Perspectives central text types, increasing their ability to read, comprehend and produce those forms.
Grade Level
July 13, 2014