Cultivate positive identity formation, encourage young people to confront racial and ethnic injustice, and prepare them to live and work together in a diverse world. Our resources can help facilitate discussions about race and guide students through lessons on systems of oppression, economic inequality, mass incarceration, the complexities of identity and more.
“We may be uncomfortable talking about race, but we can no longer afford to be silent. We have chosen a profession that—like parenting—requires us to put our comforts second to those of children.”
Jamilah Pitts

Featured Race & Ethnicity Resources
Discussing Race, Racism and Police Violence
These resources can spur discussion about implicit bias and systemic racism, and they can inspire us all to enact the changes that will create a more just society.
Why Teaching Black Lives Matter Matters
All educators have the civic responsibility to learn and teach about this modern movement for racial justice. Read about the history and the misconceptions, the hashtag and the campaigns.
Let's Talk! Facilitating Critical Conversations With Students
Use the strategies in this resource as you prepare to talk with students about the historical roots and contemporary manifestations of racial inequality and discrimination.
Discussing Whiteness
"Why does whiteness fly beneath the radar?" Explore this question, and reflect on the role of white privilege and white racial identity formation in anti-racism work.