Stephanie is an assistant professor of social studies education at Pennsylvania State University. Her research interests include democratic and citizenship education, pre-service teacher education and social studies education.
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Articles by Stephanie
Teachers, Facebook and Civic Engagement
In the wake of the 2016 presidential election, many people—educators chief among them—joined activist Facebook groups. Researchers at the University of Florida studied how these groups influenced educators’ civic engagement. Here’s what they learned.
Teaching About “History Wars”
The removal of Confederate statues around the United States can prompt discussions in the classroom over the nature of history and how we should remember our country’s past.
“This Is Bigger than History”: A Conversation With Ibram Kendi
Dr. Kendi’s book argues: You can’t effectively teach or learn about racism without understanding its origins.
A Call for Democratic Education
Since the polarized 2016 election, many people have suggested what schools can do to promote civility, critical thinking and civic engagement. This educator says democratic education might be the most important way to go.
Donald Trump Jr., Sexual Harassment and Our Schools
Recent news of some troubling comments reveals two false assumptions: that teaching kindergarten isn’t work and that sexual harassment isn’t a problem in schools.