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Articles by Tim
Three from the Country
There is no “typical” rural teacher. Here’s a glimpse into the lives of three teachers in diverse, far-flung settings.
Tapping the Power of Place
The problems of rural schools are often invisible to the public and policymakers. The solutions may be found in the communities themselves.
Unmaking Brown
America’s schools are more segregated now than they were in the late 1960s.
Cheers for Mix It Up Day
When the start of Mix It Up at Lunch Day was announced at Seth Johnson Elementary in Montgomery, Ala., cheers rose up in the halls. At lunch, the fifth-grade class – leaders of this year’s activities – proudly displayed the banner they created for the event.
Mix It Up: Score One for Humanity
Two truths and one lie. That’s how Mix It Up at Lunch Day began at Fordson High School in Dearborn, Mich. Students sat down to lunch with people who were not in their usual social circle. As an icebreaker, students played a game in which one person told two truths and one lie: the rest of the group had to guess which statement was false.