The members of the Teaching Hard History Advisory Board guide the structure of the project and the content of the instructional materials. From historians to veteran elementary teachers to museum educators and more, they join us from across the United States and represent a broad range of experience and expertise. Learn more about the Teaching Hard History Advisory Board below.
Dr. Hasan Jeffries
The Ohio State University
Ms. Kurrinn Abrams
National Indian Education Association
Dr. Dale Allender
California State University-Sacramento
Dr. John Bickford
Eastern Illinois University
Dr. Anthony Brown
University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Keffrelyn Brown
University of Texas at Austin
Maureen Costello
Teaching Tolerance Director (2010 – 2019)
Dr. Gabrielle Foreman
University of Delaware
Dr. Kevin Gannon
Grand View University
Dr. Henry Louis Gates
Harvard University
Ms. Renée Gokey
National Museum of the American Indian
Dr. Eric Jackson
Northern Kentucky University
Dr. Bethany Jay
Salem State University
Dr. Harper B. Keenan
University of British Columbia
Dr. LaGarrett J. King
University of Missouri
Mr. Kevin M. Levin
Gann Academy
Dr. Cynthia Lynn Lyerly
Boston College
Dr. Meredith McCoy
Carleton College
Dr. Sowande' Mustakeem
Washington University in St. Louis
Dr. Hayley Negrin
University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Margaret Newell
The Ohio State University
Dr. Timothy Patterson
Temple University
Ms. Lakota Pearl Pochedley
Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians of Michigan
Dr. Andrés Reséndez
University of California, Davis
Dr. Joshua A. Rothman
University of Alabama
Dr. Leilani Sabzalian
University of Oregon
Dr. Sarah Shear
University of Washington-Bothell
Dr. Kate Shuster
Former Teaching Hard History Project Director
Dr. Jay Shuttleworth
City University of New York, Queens College
Dr. Christina Snyder
Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Maya Soetoro-Ng
University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
Dr. Kathy Swan
University of Kentucky
Dr. Ebony Elizabeth Thomas
University of Pennsylvania
Mr. Tom Thurston
Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery