With stories of sexual harassment and assault constantly in the news these days, we know that many educators are looking for resources to address this topic with students. Current events may raise questions or spark conversations about rape culture, sexist language, physical and online harassment and more.
We hope the following Teaching Tolerance resources help as you consider ways to both inform and protect your students.
Being a Girl: A Brief Personal History of Violence – Student Text
This blog post, originally published on The Belle Jar, provides vignettes from the author’s life—from 6 years old to the present—that offer insights into one woman’s experiences with everyday sexism, assault and misogyny. This text comes with text-dependent questions (and answers) to use with students.
Disrupting Rape Culture Through Education – Article
In the wake of convicted rapist Brock Turner’s early release from jail in 2016, this author and educator encouraged fellow educators to reinforce with students that rape is a cultural problem that all of us must stand against.
Teaching Consent Doesn't Have to Be Hard - Article
Students of any age can learn about consent. This approach from Power Up, Speak Out! provides classroom-ready techniques for teaching about consent.
How My Third-Graders and I Address Consent - Article
Knowing that elementary school is a time when students are learning about the importance of personal space, this third-grade teacher uses that learning as a basis to teach about consent.
Exposed – Article
When online bullying involves sexual comments or photos, cracking the code of online apps and social media becomes more vital than ever.
One of the Great Teachable Moments of Our Time – Article
This teacher recognizes the ongoing news surrounding Harvey Weinstein, Mike Oreskes and others as an opportunity to openly discuss sexually predatory behavior.
Discussing Sexual Harassment in the Classroom – Article
Whether or not the topic of sexual harassment comes up in class organically, teachers must address it with students. This teacher suggests ways to do that with sensitivity.
“Rape Culture” Lives Close to Home – Article
When students express outrage over the “rape culture” in another country, the teacher brings the discussion closer to home for further exploration.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month – Article
Sexual Assault Awareness Month may come each April, but it’s important to engage students in upending rape culture and preventing sexual assault all year.