
Conflict Resolution and Peace

Teachers can use these quotes from famous individuals to facilitate student reflection on the importance of conflict resolution.
Grade Level


  • Students will read and interpret quotes to their peers
  • Students will learn to paraphrase
  • Students will grow more comfortable sharing with their peers
  • Students will increase their listening, summarizing and paraphrasing skills



  • Quotes—cut into strips of paper


Step One

When students enter the room, have these quotes cut into slips of paper and placed on individual desks. Write on the board that they are to read the quote on their desk and put it into their own words.


Step Two

Have students stand and say, "In 30 seconds, when I say ‘go,' take five steps and share with a classmate what your quote is and then tell them what it means to you."


Step Three

To increase listening skills, a major component of culturally responsive conflict mediation, after one student shares their peace quote with another student, the second student then paraphrases back what they believe they have heard. This not only increases students' skills in listening, but also checks for comprehension.


Follow-Up Activities

You can also have your students write reflective papers (no more than a paragraph or two) about their quotes as well. Hang them up in the classroom for all to read.

The quotes we've used are from around the world. Why not have students find quotes from current people they admire who are famous or from those that they admire in their own communities? Have students bring in the quotes and place them on a Peace bulletin board.

As a comprehension check to see if students understand these lessons, have students paraphrase these quotes on conflict, conflict resolution and peacemaking.

Illustration of person holding and looking at laptop.

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