
Stand Up!

This activity will remind students that no one deserves to be bullied and that everyone has a responsibility to report unkind acts.
Grade Level


  • Multi-color index cards 
  • markers
  • chart paper/board
  • images
  • glue



Prior to the lesson, create four "Fear Factor" cards by writing the following statements on an index card using a different colored card for each statement: "Ridicule someone for being a 'nerd'"; "Take someone's dessert in the cafeteria"; "Exclude someone from a group"; "Gossip about what someone is wearing."

Using the same method as above, create four "Stand Up" cards for each of these statements: "Don't React. Walk away – without emotion – ignore the browbeater"; "Smile or Laugh. If you do the opposite of what the person expects, they can't have any fun"; "Talk it Out. Calmly tell the perpetrator how you feel. When you're calm, harassment loses its power"; "Inform an Adult. When you're being hassled, you're not snitching, you're standing up for yourself and your peers."

Using clip art or magazines, find images that reflect the "fear factor" and "stand up" cards previously described. Glue the image on the side opposite the statement. (Students also could illustrate the images themselves.)

To begin the activity, ask students to explain the difference between snitching and asking an adult for help. In addition, have students discuss the positive and negative outcomes of standing up for someone. Use this as an opportunity to discuss the concept of "ratting" someone out.

Call for volunteers to come to the front of the room two at a time. One student will choose a card from the "Fear Factor" deck and the other should choose a card from the "Stand Up" deck.

Have the two volunteers act out the statements found on their card, beginning with the "Fear Factor" card and ending with the "Stand Up" card.

Continue this until all four sets are used or until each child has had a chance to participate.

A map of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi with overlaid images of key state symbols and of people in community

Learning for Justice in the South

When it comes to investing in racial justice in education, we believe that the South is the best place to start. If you’re an educator, parent or caregiver, or community member living and working in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana or Mississippi, we’ll mail you a free introductory package of our resources when you join our community and subscribe to our magazine.

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