
Dealing with Dilemmas: Upstanders, Bystanders and Whistle-Blowers

The purpose of these lessons is to help students think about how to resolve difficult ethical decisions related to injustice. By role-playing, researching people who have made courageous ethical decisions, and writing about their own role models, students will come to understand the importance of standing up for what they believe in.
Grade Level

The purpose of these lessons is to help students think about how to resolve difficult ethical decisions related to injustice. By role-playing, researching people who have made courageous ethical decisions, and writing about their own role models, students will come to understand the importance of standing up for what they believe in.

Each lesson in the series empowers students to stand up, take ownership of their feelings and attitudes about unfairness, and become change agents in the world.

Where We Stand
Students examine how they face everyday moral dilemmas and consider who and what influences their reactions when conflicts arise.

Modern Day Heroes, People Who Are Making a Difference
Through research, students identify and recognize modern day American heroes—courageous people who have made or are making a real difference in their communities.

Change Agents in Our Own Lives
Students identify individuals in their own lives who embody heroism and think about the various roles people play in conflicts.

In Our Own Words: A Class Story Book
Through collaborative work, students create and develop a culminating project whose goal is to empower others in their community to stand up and make a difference.