
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


Being Sikh in America After 9/11

On the morning of September 11, 2001, graphic novelist and Sikh Captain America Vishavjit Singh was working in his office just north of New York City. In this illustrated feature, Singh explains how the events of that day changed his life. Warning: This article includes offensive language.

Val Brown

Val Brown is the Principal Academic Officer for the Center for Antiracist Education. She believes that education is a vehicle for social change, and encourages educators to engage in public discourse about critical topics because it allows them to learn with and from others. She is currently pursuing her doctorate in Curriculum, Teaching and Teacher Education.

Pledge to Participate!

Everyone can participate in our democracy, regardless of voter eligibility. Use this pledge to encourage your students and their families to use their voices and their votes.

Samantha Spezzano

Originally from Greenwich, Connecticut, Spezzano holds a Bachelor's degree in Sociology from Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts. She taught pre-K for five years, in addition to one year of special education. She moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, in order to pursue a Master's degree in Elementary Education. After finishing her program, she spent time in a first-grade classroom before accepting a full time Kindergarten position for the 2018–19 school year.