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Sarah Said

Sarah Said is a Middle Eastern daughter of immigrants from the southwest suburbs of Chicago. Currently, she lives in the suburbs west of Chicago. She is one of the founding administrators of an Expeditionary Learning school, the Elgin Math and Science Academy (EMSA), close to 40 miles west of Chicago. A mother of three children herself, Sarah serves as the school’s director of language and equity programs. In this role, she oversees the school’s Multilingual Learning program and supports the school’s equity frameworks. Sarah has strong beliefs in school-to-family connections and demonstrates
the moment

Healthy Reminders During COVID-19 and School Closures

The COVID-19 outbreak and resulting social distancing guidelines affect the way we teach, learn and maintain relationships with our students and one another. These resources include a reminder to check our priorities, tips for making online courses culturally responsive and strategies for speaking up against coronavirus racism.


Dr. Rachael Mahmood

Dr. Rachael Mahmood is a fifth grade teacher in a large school district outside of Chicago. In addition to teaching, she works as an equity ambassador designing and delivering equity workshops throughout her school district as well as in surrounding schools. Dr. Mahmood shares ideas, lessons, and frameworks for culturally responsive teaching with other educators on her YouTube channel and on Twitter. Her doctoral research re-examined parent involvement models to credit the involvement of African American mothers with low incomes. In January 2020, she was featured in the Chicago Tribune