
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


Monisha Bajaj, Ed.D.

Monisha Bajaj, Ed.D., is a professor of international and multicultural education at the University of San Francisco, where she directs the M.A. program in human rights education. She has authored multiple books, including the award-winning Schooling for Social Change: The Rise and Impact of Human Rights Education in India (Bloomsbury, 2012), as well as numerous articles. Bajaj has also developed curriculum—particularly related to peace education, human rights, anti-bullying efforts and sustainability—for nonprofit organizations and inter-governmental organizations, such as UNICEF and UNESCO

So Fake

A statement from a student about people “being fake” prompted this afterschool educator to talk openly about her own experiences with friendship and identity.

Sarah Shear

Sarah Shear is an assistant professor at Penn State University-Altoona, where she teaches courses on social studies education and education foundations. Sarah earned her doctorate in learning, teaching and curriculum from the University of Missouri in 2014 with an emphasis in social studies education and indigenous studies. Her primary research focuses on teaching and learning K-12 social studies within indigenous contexts, including work with social studies educators in New Mexico and Oklahoma. Sarah's other research includes examining race and settler colonialism in K-12 social studies