
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

598 Results

the moment

Bloody Sunday and the Voting Rights Act of 1965

March 7 marks the 54th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, the day state troopers brutalized peaceful protesters during a march in Selma, Alabama. News reports of the event helped drive the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. But the fight for voting rights continues. In this edition of The Moment, find resources you can use to teach about the ongoing struggle.

the moment

Slavery Simulations: Just Don't

We're saddened by the news of yet another classroom lesson on slavery involving a troubling simulation—but we're not surprised. Our research has shown some common pitfalls when teaching and learning about slavery. In this edition of The Moment, we explain why mock auctions—along with simulations of the Middle Passage—do more harm than good, and we provide resources for teaching this history more effectively.

the moment

Supporting Students From Immigrant Families

After recent news and photographs from El Paso—of asylum-seeking families held in chain-link, barbed-wire pens—your immigrant students may be feeling afraid, and you may feel unsure how to support them. These resources recommend steps you can take inside and outside your classroom to address injustice and insist on the human dignity of all people, no matter where they're born.

the moment

Holocaust Denial Isn’t Neutral

News of a Florida principal’s refusal to expand mandatory Holocaust education because he must remain “politically neutral” has been met with disbelief and anger. But it’s just an extreme example of a concern we hear all the time: Accusations of partisanship are used to pressure educators into silence on topics that matter. These resources are reminders that not every story has two sides—and it’s educators’ job to teach students the truth.


Poverty is No Laughing Matter

A few years ago, a picture from The Roanoke Times became the fodder for emails and blog posts. It spread across the Internet in a matter of days, eventually ending up on late-night network talk shows. It began as part of a simple and obscure local news story about road construction. In the article, a pregnant woman in her 30s wondered what effect the high decibel sounds of jackhammers and earth-moving equipment would have on her unborn child. What made this conjecture so worthy of scorn and mockery?
the moment

Shutting Down Immigration Myths

News right now is dominated by rhetoric that casts immigrants as dangerous and is likely leaving Americans of many identities, including some of your students, feeling fearful and angry. Today, consider using these resources to teach your students about the long legacy of mistrust and discrimination immigrants from many countries have endured and how we can all use our voices to resist myths and misinformation.

the moment

When Systems Cause Trauma

This week, police body camera video was released showing a 6-year-old pulled from her classroom and arrested. In September, when this event occurred, we shared resources about ending traumatic practices that hurt students of color. With this back in the news, we’re focusing on systems that disproportionately harm students of color and offering resources to help disrupt those systems. We hope you’ll read, share and do the same.

A map of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi with overlaid images of key state symbols and of people in community

Learning for Justice in the South

When it comes to investing in racial justice in education, we believe that the South is the best place to start. If you’re an educator, parent or caregiver, or community member living and working in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana or Mississippi, we’ll mail you a free introductory package of our resources when you join our community and subscribe to our magazine.

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