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Articles by Camille
Weighing In - Healthy at Any Size?
As the number of obese and overweight children grows, so does size bias.
‘Not One Step Back’ in Wake County
Last Saturday, on one of North Carolina’s sunniest, warmest days this winter, thousands of people gathered in front of Shaw University in Raleigh to participate in the NAACP’s annual march for justice, workers’ rights and educational equality. The march has been dubbed the “HK on J,” or “historic thousands on Jones Street.” By mid-day, that’s exactly what it was: Too many people to count snaking through downtown Raleigh toward the state legislative building.
Your Students Love Social Media ... and So Can You
Want to engage students? Meet them on society’s newest public square.
Immigrant Charter Schools: A Better Choice?
Charter schools tailored to the needs of newly arrived immigrants are getting a lot of attention. But are they working? And will they lead to a new kind of segregation?
Inclusion on the Bookshelf
In fiction, children with disabilities are often still segregated, labeled, lonely and lost. These titles will help bring your school’s library into the age of inclusion.