
Cory is an author and journalist and a former senior writer for Learning for Justice. He has experience in both the newsroom—as a former sports journalist—and the classroom, where he has provided reading intervention and tutoring for K–6 students from rural Kentucky to Charlotte, North Carolina.

Articles by Cory

Rural Schools and Hard History

The rich history and diversity of rural communities have largely been erased. Appreciating both charts a promising path forward.

Reimagining Digital Literacy Education To Save Ourselves

Misinformation and online hate are crisis-level threats to democracy and liberation movements. Digital literacy education must be among the solutions.

The Curb-Cut Effect and Championing Equity

Centering the needs of underserved people often has a broader impact on the community. The same is true in schools.

Queer People Have Always Existed—Teach Like It

Educators must commit to undoing the systemic silencing of queer figures throughout history. Here are some ways to more inclusively explore the past.

Toolkit: The Foundations of Restorative Justice

School discipline and classroom management do not have to be based in compliance. Learn more about restorative practices in this companion piece to the feature article “It Was Always About Control.”