
Julia Delacroix is the senior editor for Learning for Justice. Before she joined LFJ, she taught high school and college literature and writing courses for nearly 15 years.

Articles by Julia

District Responses to Coronavirus: Examples to Follow

Advocate for students and families during this crisis by using this resource to evaluate your district’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and offer recommendations for changes.

The New YA

Young readers’ editions can change the way we teach history.

Sacred Spaces and the Work of Social Justice Educators

The Civil Rights Memorial sits near TT's office. As we celebrate the birthday of its designer, Maya Lin, a TT staffer reflects on this space and its connection to the work educators do every day.

Ned Blackhawk Q&A: Understanding Indigenous Enslavement

Historian Ned Blackhawk explains why we must understand Indigenous enslavement to fully understand American history.

Teaching Hard History From the Beginning

Children should learn about American slavery starting in kindergarten—and starting with Indigenous enslavement.