School Climate

“We are in solidarity as we seek to see that every child in our school knows his or her value and importance in our community.”

North Carolina Educator via Survey

Authentic Relationships

Ask any veteran teacher and they will tell you that the stronger the relationship with the student, the less likely behavioral problems will erupt in the classroom. Good relationships equal good classroom management, pure and simple.
Professional Development Topic
Classroom Culture
School Climate
July 12, 2009

Bullying Basics

This quick reference answers questions about bullying we hear frequently from the Learning for Justice community. The information will get you started and point you toward more in-depth resources.
Professional Development Topic
Classroom Culture
School Climate
May 15, 2014

Common Roadblocks

To accompany Best Practices: Creating an LGBT-inclusive School Climate. Some individuals may hesitate about adopting practices or policies that advance equality and safety for LGBTQ students.
Professional Development Topic
School Climate
July 16, 2009

Positive Behaviors

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an approach to help students improve their difficult behavior. It's based on an understanding that teachers don't control students, but instead seek to support them in their own behavior change process.
Professional Development Topic
Classroom Culture
School Climate
July 12, 2009