
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


About This Report

When we reported on the impact of the Trump election on school climate in the fall of 2016, we hoped that its effect would fade with the start of a new school year. But the 2017–18 school year began in the shadow of
April 23, 2019

It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way

Although the problem is widespread, not every school is affected. About one-third of the educators reported witnessing no incidents in the fall of 2018. Some noted that school had been in session for only a few months
April 23, 2019

Politics is a Force Multiplier

In the 2016 Trump Effect reports, we reported that bullying had been politicized, with even young students latching on to political talking points and slogans as a way of isolating and intimidating others. This
April 23, 2019

The Hierarchy of Hate in School

Whether looking at news media reports or reading educator stories, it’s clear that hate and bias are national, not regional, issues. We saw both media and educator reports from all 50 states and Washington, D.C., in 2018
April 23, 2019
the moment

Talking With Students About #JusticeForLucca

The news—and disturbing footage—of police officers assaulting an unarmed black teenager in Florida last week shines yet another spotlight on the dangers black youth face every day. Your students have likely seen the video and conversation surrounding #JusticeForLucca. These resources will help you understand how this violent footage can affect students, how to discuss this news with them and how you can bring #BlackLivesMatter into your classroom.

the moment

Twenty Years After Columbine

This weekend marks the 20th anniversary of the massacre at Columbine High School. As this week’s threats on Denver schools make clear, the history of this shooting—and those that followed—affects all students, not just survivors. In this edition of The Moment, we share a teacher’s reflection on what it means to educate under the threat of violence, an interview with a survivor who has translated her grief into action and recommendations for recognizing and addressing trauma in your classroom.