
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


National Standards

Standards Alignment Made Easy At Learning for Justice, we recognize the importance of both rigor and relevance—and we also recognize that content standards are an important tool for many educators. That’s why we’ve
July 24, 2017
professional development


Motivated students want to learn and are less likely to be disruptive or disengage from the work of the classroom. Motivation stems from numerous factors: interest in the subject matter, perceptions of its usefulness
Professional Development Topic
Classroom Culture
July 18, 2017

Chris Tompkins

Chris is a teacher, speaker and spiritual life coach based in Los Angeles, California. Tompkins’ advocacy work takes him to conferences and classrooms nationwide with a mission to help prevent homophobia and bullying before they begin. He currently serves on the Los Angeles PFLAG Speaker’s Bureau and is part of Los Angeles’ Youth Advocacy Coalition. For more information, visit or find him on Twitter and Instagram: @aroadtriptolove.