
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


Dean Hamer

Dean Hamer is a National Institutes of Science scientist emeritus, a New York Times book-of-the-year author, and Emmy Award-winning filmmaker with a long history of communicating complex and controversial ideas to diverse audiences. He formed Qwaves with partner Joe Wilson to produce films that emanate from the voices of those on the outside and compel viewers to question and to act. Their Sundance-supported PBS documentary Out in the Silence was used as a tool for grassroots anti-bullying advocacy in small towns and rural areas communities across the country. They moved to Hawai'i in 2011 to

Melissa Katz

Melissa is a student-activist in New Jersey, focusing on a variety of education issues, such as student voice and high-stakes testing. She is in the integrated bachelor's and master of arts in teaching program in urban education at the College of New Jersey in Ewing, New Jersey. Melissa is also a coordinating committee member of the Young Teachers Collective.

Molly Tansey

Molly is an activist focusing on issues of education and racial and socioeconomic injustice. A graduate of the University of Virginia, she will begin pursuing her master's degree in teaching at the University of Georgia in fall 2015. Molly is passionate about making sure all students get the education they deserve and is working on a book project on teacher activism. She is also a coordinating member of the Young Teachers Collective.

Toolkit for Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression

“Introducing Gender: Girls, Boys and More!” is a K-2 lesson from Gender Spectrum originally published in The Gender Inclusive School: concrete strategies for creating a safer and more accepting school climate for all students. The lesson offers a set of activities that prompt students to think about what they like (favorite colors, toys, activities) as individual preferences—not due to them being a boy or girl.

Toolkit for Name Changers

Challenges to school names that no longer represent community values are being heard throughout the South. In this toolkit, students will consider the complexities of naming and name changes and explore a strategy for convincing decision-makers that such changes are needed.