
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


Deyanira Aldana

Deyanira is a DACA recipient from New Jersey who has been working with United We Dream for over two years. She currently serves the network as the Education Justice Coordinator, ensuring undocumented youth make it to college or university and have the tools to successfully graduate.
the moment

What to Do When Disaster Strikes

With wildfires in the West, house fires in the East and Hurricane Florence in the South, it's easy for students to become overwhelmed, whether they've been immediately affected or not. These resources can help you support your students now and in the months to come.

the moment

Taking Care of Yourself Over the Summer

Summer vacation offers time to catch up on the books, movies, articles, discussions—well, just about all of the things you didn't have time for during the school year. This edition of The Moment offers TT-approved suggestions to entertain you and help you rejuvenate yourself and your practice.

the moment

Prioritizing Self-Care

Make the most of your rare days off by relaxing with some recommended books, checking out a social justice film or making a self-care plan. Recharge now, so you can come back rejuvenated!

the moment

Nominate an Outstanding Educator: The Teaching Tolerance Awards Are Here

The application for the Teaching Tolerance Award for Excellence in Teaching is now open! Find out how to apply or how to nominate someone for the award—and read about what winning the award has meant to past recipients.

the moment

Responding to Charlottesville

In response to the terrifying and deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, use the highlighted resources to contextualize the event for students and to learn about the alt-right movement and white supremacy at large.

the moment

Little Rock, Arkansas Anniversary

Get ready to observe the anniversary of the integration of Central High School and to teach about the Little Rock Nine. These resources can help you contextualize these historic events, connect past to present and celebrate the power of young people to change history.