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the moment

Supporting Students from Immigrant Families

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos told the House Committee on Education and the Workforce that it's a "school decision" whether educators report undocumented students to ICE. Not only does this suggestion conflict with settled law, but it also fundamentally undermines the promise of our schools as a place where all students can thrive. This edition of The Moment offers guidance on how to speak up for the children in your care.

the moment

Acknowledging Hidden Bias

In May 2018, more than 175,000 Starbucks employees stopped work to talk about racism, discrimination and implicit bias. These discussions might be happening at Starbucks, but we know they need to happen elsewhere, too. Here are some resources on implicit bias to help you look inward, then start a conversation of your own.

the moment

Exploring the SPLC 'Whose Heritage?' Report

This SPLC report, Whose Heritage?, can help teach the history behind the memorialization of Confederate symbols in public spaces.

the moment

Supporting Students in Crisis

With high-profile suicides in the news, you may be thinking about how you can be there for students in crisis. In this edition of The Moment, you'll find some strategies for supporting students and helping them support each other.

the moment

Responding to Immigrant Family Separations

We know zero-tolerance policies harm children in schools; they're harming them at our borders as well. In the wake of the Trump administration's 2018 policy on the imprisonment and separation of immigrant families, we hope you'll read and share these resources. Consider how you can support the children in your classroom—and beyond.

the moment

Teaching One Year After Charlottesville

Since the deadly "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, we've been discouraged by the visibility of hate in schools, but also inspired by courageous acts of resistance. These stories offer opportunities to reflect on the legacy of Charlottesville—and the path toward a world without hate.

the moment

Talking About the Supreme Court's Travel Ban Decision

In June 2018, the Supreme Court upheld the travel ban on six majority-Muslim countries. How will you talk with your students about this decision, and how will you support Muslim students who may be left feeling targeted, misunderstood and isolated from distant family members? These TT resources can help.

the moment

Discussing #BBQBecky, #PermitPatty and #LivingWhileBlack

The summer of 2018 saw black children reported to police for swimming, selling water and mowing lawns. Studies show the same bias that attributes sinister motives to these kids is evident in classrooms as well. What are you doing to ensure your students don't have to worry about #LivingWhileBlack at school?

the moment

Affirming Transgender Students' Rights

With laws like Ohio's House Bill 658 in the atmosphere, the basic rights of trans students are at risk. State legislators debated making it a felony for teachers to protect trans students' privacy. Here are some resources to help you support and protect your school's trans students.

the moment

Catch Up on TT's Favorite Stories of Summer 2018

What do you read when the news gets you down? Here at TT, we're lucky to have years of inspiring stories to motivate us when we're feeling discouraged. This edition of The Moment features three staff favorites—from an unlikely friendship to a highly personal teaching strategy to timeless words of encouragement from a civil rights icon.