
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


Sheila Esshaki

Sheila Esshaki is an English and English as a Second Language high school teacher in the metropolitan Detroit area. She has taught in high schools in Caracas, Venezuela; Cairo, Egypt; and Ankara, Turkey. She is a first-generation Arab American who speaks fluent Arabic and understands some of her native Chaldean (Aramaic). Her bicultural background, along with her experiences, give energy to her passion for supporting respect for and celebration of diversity.

Sumant Bhat

Sumant Bhat became head of the middle school at St. Anne’s Episcopal School—a PS-8 school in Denver, Colorado—in 2014. In addition to his work on curriculum and programming, he leads diversity training and growth for all faculty and staff and the school’s Multiculturalism and Inclusion Committee. Prior to St. Anne’s, Sumant worked at three other independent schools as a teacher, advisor, coach, department chair, dean of middle school, international trip coordinator and admissions staff member. Sumant holds a B.A. in economics and psychology from Williams College and an M.A. in educational

Sarah Webb

Sarah L. Webb is currently a Ph.D. student in English education with interests in digital media, race and gender. She is also the founder of, where she hosts an international poetry contest for youth and adults. Sarah has previously taught English language arts and college composition courses and has been a youth mentor for several years. In addition to teaching, she’s worked as a freelance writer and a digital media manager for local news and TV stations. The guiding mission of Sarah’s work is to help young people recognize and employ their agency through multiple

Insult or Honor?

Are American Indian names, mascots and logos insulting or honorable? Veronica Majerol outlines the debate, citing evidence from local high school students, the N.C.A.A, and a founder of the National Coalition on Racism in Sports and the Media.
Veronica Majerol
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
January 21, 2016