
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


Ivory A. Toldson, Ph.D.

Ivory A. Toldson, Ph.D., (he/him) is a professor of counseling psychology at Howard University, editor-in-chief of The Journal of Negro Education, and director of Education Innovation and Research at the NAACP.
the moment

Expanding Democracy Through Intersecting Movements

In the continuing fight for justice and the expansion of democracy, understanding intersecting movements to end oppression is imperative and inspiring. Those at the intersections of geography, gender, poverty and race, as LFJ Director Jalaya Lyles Dunn explains, “will determine the fate of our democracy,” and have often been the agents of change, as witnessed by the connections between the past and the present highlighted in the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Civil Rights Memorial Center.

the moment

Uplifting the Voting Process for Young People

With so many significant issues in the balance, it's imperative that we pay attention to the upcoming midterm elections, particularly on the local level. Young people, families and communities need to know how powerful their votes are in our democracy. These LFJ resources can help you support your students—and all the young people in your life—in learning about the voting process and ongoing civic responsibility.

the moment

Teachers, We See You and We Celebrate You!

Serving as an educator is one of the most difficult professions, regardless of whatever else is going on in the world. Teaching is a 24-hour job that takes place both inside and outside of the classroom. And the past few years of political and societal tumult have only increased what were already extraordinary pressures. At Learning for Justice, we see you, appreciate you and celebrate all that you do for young people, their families, their communities and our nation. 

the moment

Countering Disinformation to Affirm Trans and Nonbinary Youth

With the increase in politically motivated attacks on the rights of transgender youth to receive affirming care, we must all work to create safer spaces in schools and in our communities for trans and nonbinary students. Understanding gender-affirming care for youth is an essential step, and the willingness to learn will help you counter the disinformation that endangers LGBTQ+ youth. These LFJ resources can help foster such understanding. 

the moment

Supporting Social and Emotional Safety in the Classroom

Traumatic stress can have long-term health effects on developing brains and, in response, districts across the United States are acknowledging the role that trauma plays in students’ achievement opportunities. But how well are districts defining trauma? And how well do educators understand what it really means to practice trauma-informed pedagogy? These LFJ resources can help educators learn how to recognize the signs of trauma, better understand the causes of trauma, and take steps to establish social and emotional safety in the classroom.