
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

212 Results

the moment

Countering Disinformation to Affirm Trans and Nonbinary Youth

With the increase in politically motivated attacks on the rights of transgender youth to receive affirming care, we must all work to create safer spaces in schools and in our communities for trans and nonbinary students. Understanding gender-affirming care for youth is an essential step, and the willingness to learn will help you counter the disinformation that endangers LGBTQ+ youth. These LFJ resources can help foster such understanding. 

the moment

Learn About and Advocate for Education and a More Inclusive Society

Do you believe in strengthening our democracy? Do you support a more inclusive society? In responding to book bans, educational censorship and attempts at excluding some communities from public school spaces, Learning for Justice’s magazine and publications offer guidance and inspiration on critical issues in education.

the moment

The First National Trans Visibility March

Saturday will mark a historic moment in the fight to grant LGBTQ people equal access to public life and justice. The first National Trans Visibility March will bring together members of the transgender, gender-nonconforming and non-binary communities with allies in Washington, D.C., and in marches across the nation. We echo the marchers’ call with this question: What can you do to make sure students feel visible and heard in your school? We hope these resources can offer some answers.

the moment

Freedom To Read, Freedom To Learn

May 3 is the Freedom To Learn National Day of Action, a day of advocacy for inclusive education and young people’s freedom to read, learn and build a just future. Our collective responsibility is to counter disinformation, uplift honest history and engage our communities to serve all children.

the moment

Social Justice Education Is Essential

In the current hostile learning environment created by censorship laws and policies aimed at prohibiting the teaching of honest history and further marginalizing LGBTQ+ students and educators, social justice education is essential. The Learning for Justice Social Justice Standards are designed to guide educators in developing inclusive curricula to make schools safer and more just and equitable. Comprised of four domains—identity, diversity, justice and action—the Social Justice Standards are intended for all content areas alongside state and Common Core standards.

the moment

Inclusive Education Means Safe, Welcoming Schools for All Students

Schools should be safe and welcoming for all children—on this point responsible adults agree. But currently, discriminatory laws and censorship policies threaten the well-being of children. LGBTQ+ young people and families are being targeted, along with Black, Indigenous and other people of color and members of historically marginalized groups, whose histories and experiences are being misrepresented and erased.

A map of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi with overlaid images of key state symbols and of people in community

Learning for Justice in the South

When it comes to investing in racial justice in education, we believe that the South is the best place to start. If you’re an educator, parent or caregiver, or community member living and working in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana or Mississippi, we’ll mail you a free introductory package of our resources when you join our community and subscribe to our magazine.

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