
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


The 45 Days of Black History

This webinar will prepare educators to use the approximately 45 days between the King holiday and the end of February to engage all students in recognizing and understanding how Black Americans have moved United States and world history forward. Join Learning for Justice as we share practices and strategies for celebrating the contributions of African Americans, whether they are household names or unsung heroes.

500 Pens

500 Pens is a coalition of writers and photographers who believe in the power of stories to help us learn from and better understand one another and to serve as a reminder that there is more that unites us than divides us. Their project began in November 2016 when their founder approached the Southern Poverty Law Center and volunteered to help cover news related to social justice, advocacy and anti-bias programs. Hoping to gather a handful of writers to help, she posted on Facebook. In a few days, more than 500 writers responded. Soon, the project was expanded to include more storytellers and
the moment

65 Years After 'Brown v. Board'

This Friday marks the 65th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, the Supreme Court ruling that outlawed segregated schools. These resources serve as a reminder of the brave first steps 9-year-old Linda Brown took, and of the distance we still have to go.

the moment

The 65th Anniversary of the Montgomery Bus Boycott

December 5 marks the 65th anniversary of the start of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. It’s critical not to oversimplify or whitewash this watershed moment. These resources help students contextualize the boycott—and the civil rights movement at large—beyond Rosa Parks’ role, with a focus on women who were also instrumental in sparking change.