
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

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the moment

Celebrate LGBTQ Pride Month

LGBTQ Pride Month starts Saturday, and we're excited to honor it with some of our favorite resources! In this edition of The Moment, you'll find a history of the Stonewall Uprising that you can use to teach the fight for LGBTQ equality alongside other civil rights movements. We're also including our extensive guide for serving LGBTQ students. And we extend a heartfelt reminder that we see you standing up for your students every day—and we appreciate you.


Taking History Out of Context

There are three questions students of history should always ask: What’s the context?What’s the context?What’s the context? Yes, I know, it’s a play on the old real estate joke (location, location, location), but the importance of understanding how a quote or an event sits in terms of what’s happening around it cannot be overstated.
the moment

Celebrate Disability Pride Month

July is Disability Pride Month, coinciding with the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. These resources can help you celebrate, support and advocate for students with disabilities by rejecting ableism—this month and throughout the school year.