
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

274 Results

the moment

Mental Illness Awareness Week

This Mental Illness Awareness Week, we call on educators to see their vital role in removing stigmas that surround mental health issues, normalizing open conversations and recognizing the unique needs of students with historically marginalized identities or invisible disabilities. With these resources, we hope you and your students can take steps toward a world where—like Max at the end of our story "Washed Away"—you feel a little less alone and more prepared to face tough times alongside people who care.


Ending Child Abuse At School

As a kid, I remember listening wide-eyed to my grandmother tell me about the “Dummy Room.” The Dummy Room was one of her first assignments as a young teacher in small-town Iowa in the 1930s. Like other Dummy Rooms across the country, it was the dumping ground for the school district’s hard cases.
the moment

Our Humanity Is Bound Together: Discussing the Holocaust

International Holocaust Remembrance Day is commemorated on January 27, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in 1945. We honor the memory of the 6 million Jews and the millions of Roma, Sinti, Slavs, disabled persons, LGBTQ+ individuals, political dissidents and others who were murdered in the Holocaust. And we encourage learning from the survivors as we reflect on the significance of this history.