Start the Year Off Right
Refresh Your Anti-bullying Efforts
We have answers to your tough bullying questions and free resources—including a school climate survey and anti-bullying contract—to help you prevent bullying behavior in your school.
Change the Wallpaper
What do your walls say? Inclusive posters let students know right away your classroom is a welcoming space. Our One World posters are available online to download and print. And don’t forget to hang the poster included in this issue!
Empower Your Students
Democratic classrooms put responsibility for good behavior in the hands of students; experts say this approach is more effective for both learning and classroom management. Our professional development module will get you started.
Before the Break …
Mix It Up at Lunch
Cliques form quickly—especially in the cafeteria. Start breaking down these social barriers with Mix It Up at Lunch Day. This national program invites students to sit with someone new at lunch—a simple idea with profound results. Registration and materials are free.
Three Cheers for Equity
Athletic events can be opportunities for school community building—but only if they’re handled equitably. Help your school get it right.
Dodge the Holiday Balance Traps
Winter is fraught with holiday assumptions that can exclude some students. Try these tips for making sure all students’ traditions are equally valued.
… and After
Reengage Students
Just because you’re halfway through the year doesn’t mean it’s too late to make improvements.
Plan a Food Justice Garden
As spring unfolds, focus on food justice. Not enough time or resources for a garden? Teaching and learning about food justice can happen in or out of the classroom.
Balance Testing and Social Emotional Learning
Spring testing is time consuming, but there’s still room for social emotional learning. Our classroom resources are flexible enough to fit into any curriculum.
Wrap It Up
Prom Planning
Talk to your school’s prom committee to ensure LGBT students and students who do not conform to gender norms are included. While you’re at it, assess the rest of your school to make sure all students feel safe and welcome. Our Guide to Creating an LGBT-inclusive School Climate can get you started.
Stop the Summer Slump
For some students, summer doesn’t mean vacation and summer camps. Students living in poverty are disproportionately affected by the summer learning gap—but there are ways to lessen the disparity.
Prepare for the Coming Year
You’ve taken a breather, and now you’re ready to ramp up for the coming fall. A great way to start is by using our professional development resources to improve your cultural competency.