In promoting diversity and fighting racism, inclusive education programs forged pathways toward building equitable societies. Now, as our nation confronts multiple assaults on democratic values, we hold firm in the fight to protect—and to expand—democracy through social justice education.
Current censorship efforts and attacks on inclusive schools demonstrate that education is indeed the battlefield for justice. And, as Learning for Justice Director Jalaya Liles Dunn contends, “The treatment of children from communities experiencing systemic oppressions—those at the intersection of race, gender, poverty and geography—will determine the fate of our democracy.”
This issue highlights the fact that the fight for democracy is built on intersecting struggles for justice and calls upon us to use our individual strengths to work collectively toward advancing the human rights of all people by advocating for one another in education and in all sectors of society.
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Expanding Democracy Through Intersecting Movements

Community Organizing Uplifts Immigrant Students

Decarceration Begins With School Discipline Reform

Inclusive Education Benefits All Children

Centering Diverse Parents in the CRT Debate

Prevention and Resilience: Supporting Young People Through Polarizing Times

Confronting Ableism on the Way to Justice