
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


John Quincy Adams to the Inhabitants of the 12th Congressional District

A letter written by John Quincy Adams to the 12th Congressional District regarding the use of the "Gag Rule" to prevent him from reading petitions by enslaved people on the floor of the House of Representatives. Adams argues that the Gag Rule is a violation of petitioners' rights, and to ignore this violation would endanger the rights of all Americans.
John Quincy Adams
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
February 20, 2018

Crystalyn Snow Boyer

Crystalyn Snow Boyer is an elementary music teacher and freelance musician in the Chicago suburbs. She holds a bachelor's degree in music education and performance from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, and a master's degree in music performance from DePaul University. Boyer is passionate about bringing social justice issues into the music classroom and using the arts to help students make the world a better place.

David W. Blight

David W. Blight is Class of 1954 Professor of American History and director of the Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance and Abolition at Yale University. He is the author of Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom, forthcoming from Simon and Schuster. Learn more about his work here.

Beth Hoover

Beth Hoover is an educator for Power Up, Speak Out! in Red Lodge, Montana. She educates teachers, school counselors, administrators, and violence prevention educators about the five lesson toolkit. The five lesson toolkit covers what middle school students deserve in healthy relationships, including lessons about power dynamics, red flags, boundaries, and consent. Hoover is also the communications manager for Power Up, Speak Out! She has her Master of Arts in Creative Writing from the University of Wyoming, and draws upon her past work experiences as a librarian, a special education para

Media Consumers and Creators, What Are Your Rights and Responsibilities?

This lesson focuses on the concept of "fake news" and the responsibilities of news and media creators and consumers. Students will explore PEN America's News Consumers' Bill of Rights and Responsibilities and read an article about "fake news" that presents strategies on how to approach digital sources.
Grade Level
Digital Literacy
Reading & Language Arts
Social Studies
Social Justice Domain
February 13, 2018