
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


A Difficult Decision to Join the Military: Tosh Yasutake

“Tosh Yasutake’s father was arrested by the FBI after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and held in internment camps administered by the Department of Justice. The rest of the family was incarcerated in the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Tosh volunteered for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team while still in camp. In this clip, he talks about making that decision.”
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
February 5, 2019
the moment

Putting Governor Ralph Northam's Blackface Controversy in Perspective

When racist incidents occur, students often need historical perspective to understand the depth of the offense. That's why our Teaching Hard History framework is so important, and that's why we're offering this edition of The Moment. Your students may have questions about the governor of Virginia's admission that he once dressed in blackface.


Jonathan Tobin

Jon Tobin is a Teaching and Learning Specialist at Learning for Justice. Before joining LfJ, he taught English Language Arts, Social Studies, Global Issues, and Creative Writing in every grade from 5 through 12.
the moment

Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action 2019

Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action is February 4-8! In this edition of The Moment, learn more about how you can join social justice educators from Philadelphia to Seattle in affirming and centering black lives in your classroom, school and beyond.