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Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results

the moment

Defending DACA and Busting Immigration Myths

The Trump Administration and Justice Department have continually tried to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. How does this affect your students, their families and even your colleagues? Learn more about how you can take action to defend DACA, and browse classroom resources on debunking common immigration myths.

the moment

Fall 2017 Magazine Spotlight

The Fall issue of Teaching Tolerance magazine is here! From the cover feature on recognizing and combating the “alt-right” in school to our inspiring One World poster with words from Fred Rogers, this issue offers a wealth of timely, practical resources for educators.

the moment


When athletes take a knee, you can bet your students are talking about it. These articles can help you guide the discussion.

the moment

Supporting Students After the Las Vegas Shooting

After a deadly shooting, we know you may be struggling with what to say to your students. These resources can help you support them—and yourself.

the moment

Check Out Our Digital Literacy Resources!

We know young people need both the digital and civic skills to navigate the internet today. That’s why we’re happy to share our Digital Literacy Framework and its accompanying resources, including K–12 lessons and professional development tools.

the moment

Teaching the Truth About Native American History

When it comes to Native American history and culture, many textbooks are light on relevant content. Learn about a new Smithsonian program and state initiatives designed to support robust, accurate teaching about Native history and contemporary issues.

the moment

Including All Students During the December Holidays

The December holidays can present challenges for educators who want to provide a festive—but also equitable—classroom environment. These resources can help you acknowledge the season without alienating students based on their faith or family income.

the moment

Addressing Sexual Assault

When sexual assault and harassment make headlines, educators face tough questions—even as they look for answers themselves. This edition of The Moment offers insight into how to respond if a student discloses abuse, suggestions for how to improve school policies related to sexual harassment, and a round-up of other useful resources.

the moment

Making Time for Self-Care

The countdown to winter break can leave many educators facing fatigue and even burnout. These TT resources address burnout from several different angles and offer concrete suggestions for how to get stronger, more centered and ready for the remainder of the school year.

the moment

Celebrating the Best of 2017

As we look ahead to the new year, we're also taking a moment to look back at some highlights and a sampling of reader favorites from the last 12 months.