
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

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Stephanie Schroeder

Stephanie is an assistant professor of social studies education at Pennsylvania State University. Her research interests include democratic and citizenship education, pre-service teacher education and social studies education.

Just Human

A recent hospital stay led this educator to reflect on the ways in which she does—and does not—truly see her students.

Gillian Steinberg

Gillian teaches English at SAR High School in the Bronx. Previously, she was a tenured associate professor of English and director of writing at Yeshiva College in New York City. She has published books on Thomas Hardy and Philip Larkin, as well as articles on poetry, short fiction, composition and literature pedagogy, and issues of labor equity in higher education, among other topics. She serves as forum director for The Thomas Hardy Association.
July 27, 2017

Lost in Translation

This piece accompanies the Teaching Tolerance feature story " Lonely Language Learners?" Just after 8 o'clock on a rainy April morning, teacher Helen Reid greets three of her students, none of whom has been in the U.S
July 26, 2017

LGBT Students

This online sidebar accompanies the Teaching Tolerance article " Possession Obsession." LGBT teenagers have the same vulnerabilities to abusive dating as straight kids—and then some. “There’s an added layer for these