
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results

the moment

Black Students Matter

Last week, a 7-year-old black boy came home from school with a realistic-looking gunshot wound painted on his forehead—by his drama teacher. The image understandably alarmed his mother. And it reminds us of the harm educators inflict when they insist they "don't see race." We hope you'll read and share these recommendations for protecting, respecting and celebrating the identities of your black students.


Indigenous Peoples' History

Co-hosted by experts from the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian, this webinar will delve into the ways American history instruction often fails to acknowledge—and contributes to—the erasure of Indigenous stories and perspectives.
the moment

Halloween 2019

Every year, we hear of students and educators whose Halloween costumes reinforce stereotypes, bolster systems of oppression or even make light of hate. In these cases, a simple conversation might have prevented a lot of harm. We hope you'll take the time to talk with your students about their Halloween costume choices this year—and think carefully about your own. Here's a place to start.


Part IV: Appendices

Appendix I For Educators: Laying the Groundwork for Reading Groups This section offers guidelines for educators and suggests key questions to consider before bringing families together for the first planning meeting
October 17, 2019

Part III: Planning Workbook

Before You Begin: The Planning Committee Activity A: Review Best Practices 1. Take turns reading the standards aloud. As you read, discuss each standard and address any questions or concerns group members may have—about
October 16, 2019