
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results

the moment

The Reality of Hate at School

Today, we release our report on hate and bias in U.S. schools. Learn more about how divisive and harmful behavior affects students and educators across the nation, review best practices for creating and supporting an inclusive school climate, and find out what non-educators can do to advocate for schools where all students can thrive.



Anti-Muslim incidents numbered the fewest among the five categories reported by educators (6 percent) and those reported in the news. Altogether, we identified more than 200 anti-Muslim hate and bias incidents. The vast
May 1, 2019


Antisemitism was involved in 11 percent of the incidents reported by educators and 18 percent of those reported in the media. In our tracking of news reports, we noticed an uptick in antisemitic incidents toward the end
May 1, 2019


Animus toward people perceived to be immigrants led to a significant amount of harassment in schools; about 18 percent of the incidents that educators reported were directed toward people seen as “foreign.” This category
May 1, 2019

Race and Ethnicity

Racial bias—of all sorts—is the most common driver of incidents, making up 33 percent of the number reported by educators and 63 percent of those reported in the news media. Black students are the ones targeted in an
May 1, 2019